You are not missing out. You are not being overlooked. You are not being forgotten.
God is hiding you for a purpose.
He hasn’t sent you into the spotlight because He is preserving you for the right time.
In Exodus 2, the Bible says that Moses was hidden for 3 months by His mother. The scripture again says that Moses was in hiding for 40 years in Midian until the day that God called His name. It wasn’t until He was 80 years old that God called His name and directed Him to go and deliver the Children of Israel.
Moses was in 80 years of preparation before He was sent by God. While He was in hiding, God was:
-Refining his behavior
-Changing his mindset
-Getting the pride out of his life
-Giving him the heart of a shepherd
-Building his confidence
-Showing him how to live off the land
-Revealing to him the nature of God
Today, God is saying to you, I’m not ignoring your call. God says, I hear your groaning and I see your tears. I’m hiding you, not refusing you. I’m sanctifying you to make you ready to do the work I’ve called you to do. God is saying:
I’m hiding you to make you an emerging leader.
I’m hiding you to protect you from the thing trying to destroy.
I’m hiding you to be a savior to my people.
I’m hiding you to teach you to hear my voice.
I’m hiding you because I need to use you in the future.
I’m hiding you because I keep my greatest treasures a secret.
I’m hiding you because I’m placing gifts of the Spirit within you.
To hear the prophetic sermon, go to
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-Pastor Dr. Jimmy Griffith
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Thank God for hiding us for the right moment to reveal us for his glory in Jesus name. God bless you Pastor G.
I do believe that God has his purpose of hiding his chosen ones for the right and perfect time to shine the truth of who he is in them. Amen pastor Jimmy this was a great word. Thank you.
The word is for me. I was discrouging being rejected. But now, I understand that I am Hidden!!
Merci mon Dieu ! Que ta volonté s'accomplisse dans ma vie au nom de Jésus-Christ 🙏🙏🙏 Amen