The Lord is preparing your for a move of the supernatural and the preparation doesn’t come without a little turbulence! Ask yourself this question, when has God ever moved supernaturally and there wasn’t a need? The answer is never. The God who does not waste will not use His power without a purpose. The Source of life will not provide resources where there is no need. If you are looking for a supernatural provision, you must have faith for big things. You must have faith for things you cannot solve on your own.
God is saying to you today I will do the supernatural for you, I will work miracles for you, and will confirm your words with signs following if you will step on believing Me for the Impossible. God is asking, will you go to the places I’m sending you? Will you stretch out your hands to heal incurable sicknesses? Will you build things for Me without resources? If you will do this, God says you will see the supernatural, you will live it!
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AMEN 🙏🏽 💖
I absolutely love this! 🙌🏽
AMEN 🙏🏽 💖