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You Have an Assignment from Heaven

Writer: Dr. Jimmy GriffithDr. Jimmy Griffith

The job you're working on is not just a job, it’s your kingdom assignment.  The job is the modern village; the business is just an open door for kingdom deployment.  They may be paying you, but God hired you and sent you.  They may be your reason for leaving home, but you are there to work for the kingdom of God; to GET OUT, SPEAK ABOUT THE KINGDOM, and PRAY for people.  YOUR JOB IS TO REPRESENT THE KINGDOM IN THE HIGHEST FORM.

As believers, we have to understand who we are working for, why we are working, and where our pay comes from. 

What does it take to be a Kingdom Leader?  What is God looking for?  What does Jesus Christ ask for?  What are my duties as a Kingdom Leader? How do I fulfill my mission and calling in Christ Jesus?  These are the questions that many leaders ask themselves in the pursuit of God’s will.  So many of us are trying to work overtime to fulfill God’s mission.  Some tirelessly wear themselves out in an attempt to get God’s favor and bring souls to Christ.  Some get discouraged because they don’t think that it’s possible to accomplish the goal.  Every one of us get to the place that we think something is impossible, but this is exactly where God wants to show us miracles.  The Holy Spirit encourages us to build God’s kingdom, God’s way. 

The Holy Spirit encourages us to use the same weapons of warfare that Jesus Christ used and the same arms that the apostles brought to bear.  Jesus Christ let us know that His yoke is easy and His burden is light.  In full faith, we are to understand that the work of Christ is simple for those of us who are called to serve. No matter how complicated we attempt to make it, the word of God remains true that God only asks us to do a few things as His leaders in the world. Religious people try to make it complicated to prove that you’re not worthy to lead, but over and over again, the Holy Ghost lets you know that you can. He simply asks us to GET OUT, SPEAK TO PEOPLE, and PRAY for people.  The true essence of kingdom leadership is to walk with Christ and bless the world.  This is the same charge that God gave to Abraham, Jesus, and the disciples.

He asks us to:

1.     Represent the Kingdom – Matthew 10:7

2.     Walk with God, Pray, and Fast – Mark 9:29

3.     Go Where You Are Assigned – Luke 10:1

4.     Meet People – Matthew 10:8

5.     Be Distinguished Like an Eagle – Luke 10:19

6.     Raise the Standard of Living – Matthew 5:13-14

7.     Spread Peace and Joy – Luke 10:5

8.     Let People Come to Your Light – Matthew 5:16

9.     Pray Healing and Deliverance Over People – Luke 10:9

10.  Create With Your Words – Matthew 21:21-22

11.  Receive Your Pay – Luke 10:7-8

Don’t let anybody make you think you are unqualified; Jesus shows that the most unqualified are qualified in Him. 

1.     These apostles had no Bible to read.

2.     These apostles walked with Jesus less than one year when they were sent out.

3.     These apostles had just gotten baptized.

4.     These apostles didn’t have the Holy Ghost yet.

5.     These apostles didn’t know Jesus was the Messiah yet.

What did the apostles do other than GET OUT, SPEAK, and PRAY?

We must understand that God gave us an easy job.  Your only complication is the religious and godless communities; Jesus Christ's work is simple and powerful.  He doesn’t give you the power to determine the results, He gives you the power to pray.

COME JOIN THE KINGDOM LEADERSHIP PROGRAM TODAY.  LET ME PERSONALLY MENTOR AND TRAIN YOU!  Go to and select “Kingdom Leadership and Join the Kingdom School. We meet every Sunday for Private Kingdom Leadership Development. You will become spiritually empowered and naturally blessed in every area of your life. You will heal and lead your community.


In His service,

Pastor Dr. Jimmy Griffith


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- Pastor Dr. Jimmy Griffith


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17 ก.ค. 2567



Inez Carabajal
16 ก.ค. 2567



16 ก.ค. 2567

Amen 🙏Hallelujah🙌🏼


Bro. Ro Abraham
16 ก.ค. 2567

Praise him!! Thank you for this word!


Alexandra Hernandez
16 ก.ค. 2567


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